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Wooden Snowflakes

Wooden Snowflakes

The holiday season brings a special kind of chaos to our home at B Creative, filled with the joyful commotion of kids, dogs, and cats. However, amidst the bustling energy, the addition of a Christmas tree or two often introduces a unique set of challenges, including the occasional mishap resulting in broken ornaments or chaos ensuing.

At our house, the holiday antics often involve spirited chases, with the Christmas trees unwittingly becoming racetracks or playgrounds for our furry friends. The playful antics of our cats and dogs, with their tails resembling flags in the wind, can sometimes lead to unexpected crashes and spills.

In an effort to minimize potential damage and enhance the festive ambiance, we decided to craft some decorations out of cedar wood this year. These handmade snowflakes, meticulously crafted using our new Shaper Origin tool, proved to be a delightful addition to our holiday decor. The Shaper Origin, with its precision and versatility, allowed us to unleash our creativity and bring our visions to life with ease.

Looking ahead to the upcoming year, we are excited to expand our repertoire of holiday decorations, exploring new designs and materials to offer our customers. These unique creations will soon be available for purchase in our online store, providing an opportunity for others to infuse their homes with the same charm and craftsmanship that define B Creative’s creations.

As the holiday season unfolded this year, we were delighted to find that our cedar snowflakes not only added a touch of elegance to our decor but also served their intended purpose admirably. Even when the inevitable mishaps occurred, resulting in fallen decorations, we’re happy to report that no animals, humans, floors, or snowflakes were harmed in the process.

At B Creative, we cherish the magic of the holiday season and embrace the opportunity to infuse our homes with warmth, creativity, and joy. With each handmade decoration, we strive to capture the spirit of the season and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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B Creative Woodworks © 2023. All Rights Reserved. – Edmonton, AB.